The Secret of Success

Coaching modalities are often based around goal-setting. Those goals are usually tangible targets such as a new car or a dream holiday. Or they might be about getting a promotion, or earning more money. How about losing weight or building a toned physique? My coaching philosophy isn’t about tangible targets, although that’s usually the starting point for the client. Let …

Breaking the cycle – Part 1 – Insight & Realisation

Five years ago, I attended a small conference for primary school teachers, which had children’s well-being as its theme. A number of school colleagues shared interventions, that had been put in place in their schools, in an attempt to address the rise in mental ill-health amongst children. We heard that children, some as young as seven, were exhibiting signs of …

The view from the top of the hill

Someone asked me the other day what sort of coach I was. I think they were expecting me to say I had a particular specialism – careers or relationships perhaps. However, I don’t consider myself as having a niche as such, so the question got me thinking. How should I describe what I do? Well, to start with, I work …

Dream – Explore – Discover

The eagle-eyed visitors to this website may have noticed the Liz Taplin Coaching strap line (on the blue banner along the bottom of each page): Dream – Explore – Discover. And I’m confident there will be one or two readers who will immediately want to say ‘Liz got it wrong – it should be Explore. Dream. Discover’! Well, they would …